
Displaying 2821 - 2830 of 5577

Suivi et evaluation: quelques outils, methodes et approaches

Le suivi et l'évaluation (S&E) des activités de développement donnent aux pouvoirs publics, aux ges-tionnaires du développement et à la société civile de meilleurs moyens de tirer les leçons…

Social Inclusion: Gender and Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Issues (Dec 3-5, 2001, New Delhi, India)

Summary of comments and suggestions from the workshop participants o Bank management on the revelance and implementation of the gender strategy

Russian Federation - Highway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project

The audit rates outcome as moderately unsatisfactory and institutional development as modest. Sustainability is rated as non-evaluable because the government in 2000 abolished a…

Vietnam Country Assistance Evaluation

The Bank program in Vietnam has been very responsive to corporate priorities and objectives. In many respects, the Bank's performance has been exemplary in its: appropriate risk-taking in activities affected by…

Estonia - Health Project

Overall project outcome is rated highly satisfactory, consistent with the ratig in the Implementation Completion Report (ICR). Institutional development impact is rated as high,…

Kyrgyz Republic - Country Assistance Evaluation

The Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) presents a different picture of Kyrgyzstan's progress, problems, and prospects from that painted in the last Country Assistance Strategy Paper (CAS) dated June 1998. The 1998 CAS…

Examen anual de la eficacia en términos de desarrollo, 2000: De la estrategia a los resultados

En el examen de 2000 se confirma que se produjeron mejoras considerables en las actividades de desarrollo del Banco durante los últimos cinco años. A pesar de las dificultades y los cambios en la economía…

Revue annuelle de l'efficacité du développement
- Année 2000 : Des stratégies aux résultats

LA REVUE ANNUELLE DE CETTE ANNÉE CONFIRME une amélioration sensible de la performance de la Banque en matière de développement au cours des cinq dernières années. En dépit d'une situation é…

ARDE 2000 From Strategy to Results

This year's Annual Review confirms that significant improve-ments have taken place in the Bank's development perform-ance over the past five years. Despite a challenging and volatile world economy, portfolio performance…

Bulgaria - The Rehabilitation Loan Project, the Critical Imports Rehabilitation Loan (CIRL) Project, and the First and Second Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loan Projects (FESAL I and FESAL II)

This PPAR rates the outcome of the Rehabilitation Loan as unsatisfactory, but rates the outome of the CIRL and FESAL I as satisfactory. The outome of FESAL II is rated as moderately…