
Displaying 2861 - 2870 of 5577

Peru - Rural Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project

The audit concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's ratings of highly satisfactory project outcome, likely sustainability, and substantial institutional development impacts…

OED Review of the Bank's Performance on the Environment

This OED report finds that the Bank has made progress on the environment, and notes that its commitments were not accompanied by precise goals and performance monitoring. It advances explanations of why things have…

Mongolia - Economic Rehabilitation Credit Project, Technical Assistance Credit Project, Economic Transition Support Credit Project, and Banking and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Credit Project

This Performance Assessment Report assesses the Economic Rehabilitation Credit (ERC), Technical Assistance Credit (TAC), Economic Transition Support Credit (ETSC), and Banking and…

Madagascar - The Accounting and Management Training Project, the Education Sector Reinforcement Project, and the Manpower Training Project

Of the three projects audited, the Accounting and Management Training Project alone was rated satisfactory, with project sustainability rated as highly likely, and World Bank and…

Malawi - GEF / SADC Lake Malawi / Nyasa Biodiversity Conservation Project

The audit downgrades the Implementation Completion Report's ratings of project outcome, from satisfactory to moderately unsatisfactory, of institutional development impact from…

Morocco - Rural Primary Education Project, Rural Basic Education Development Project, and Second Vocational Training Project

This Performance Audit Report covers three education projects in Morocco - Rural Primary Education Project, Rural Basic Education Development Project, and Second Vocational Training…

Albania - Agriculture Sector Adjustment Credit Project and the Rural Development Project

This audit rates the outcome of the Agriculture Sector Adjustment Credit (ASAC) as moderately satisfactory and that of the Rural Development Project (RDP) as satisfactory. The audit…

Bulgaria - Technical Assistance Project for Economic Reform

The audit rates the project outcome as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, and institutional development as substantial, concurring with the Implementation Completion Report's…

Argentina - Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Sector Project

Ratings of Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Sector Project for Argentina were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, sustainability was likely, institutional development was…

India - Second Andhra Pradesh Irrigation Project

The audit concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's (ICR) project outcome rating of highly unsatisfactory; however, it upgrades the ICR's institutional development rating to…