
Displaying 2751 - 2760 of 5577

China - A review of development challenges across selected sectors and performance assessment reports (8)

This report assesses the performance of eight projects as well as informs an OED Country Assistance Evaluation for China. Hence, the report goes beyond individual project assessments…

Benin - Natural Resources Management Project

The project outcome was assessed as moderately unsatisfactory: while the objectives were highly relevant, they were only achieved to a modest extent.The sustainability of the project…

Global Programs: Linking Global Concerns with Country Needs (REACH)

- Global programs have become an important line of business that complements the Bank's country assistance activities. They respond to new and emerging challenges such as environmental degradation, the spread of…

Ethiopia - Peasant Agricultural Development Project

Despite difficulties, the overall outcome of the project was satisfactory. Institutional development is rated substantial. Sustainability is likely. World Bank and Borrower…

Ukraine - The Coal Pilot Project and the Coal Sector Adjustment Loan Project

The outcomes of both projects was satisfactory and project sustainability for the Pilot Project is rated as highly likely, while project sustainability for the SECAL is more complex,…

Mozambique - Urban Rehabilitation Project and Local Government Reform and Engineering Project

The Urban Rehabilitation Project's outcome is rated as unsatisfactory, sustainability as unlikely, institutional development impact as negligible, Bank performance as highly…

Vietnam - Agricultural Rehabilitation Project

The Agricultural Rehabilitation Project's outcome is rated as satisfactory, institutional development impact as modest, sustainability as likely, borrower performance as satisfactory…

The HIPC Initiative: The Goals, Additionality, Eligibility, and Debt Sustainability

This paper deals primarily with the topics of eligibility criteria, the debt sustainability analyses, and likely outcomes. The HIPC initiative has identified the cycle of debt reschedulings and restructurings of many of…

Assistance to the Transition Economies: Were There Alternatives?

Twelve years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, domestic and international analysts of the transition economies by and large agree that the transition from central planning to a market economy has been exceedingly…

Development Cooperation and Performance Evaluation: The Monterrey Challenge

The United Nations Conference on Financing for Development held in Monterrey, Mexico, in March 2002 was a watershed. It captured a new development paradigm and reflected a broad-based consensus about aid effectiveness.…