
Displaying 1 - 10 of 20

Botswana - BW-Integrated Transport SIL (FY09)


Botswana - NB Human Wildlife Coexistence Project


Botswana - Morupule Generation and Transmission Project


Botswana - National HIV and AIDS Prevention Support (BNAPS) Project


La gestión ganadera en Botswana: el valor de la experiencia previa

Desde 1973, el Banco Mundial ha respaldado tres proyectos para contribuir al desarrollo del sector ganadero de Botswana. Según un informe de evaluación ex post del DEO*, los resultados del tercer proyecto fueron…

Gestion de la production animale au Botswana: les précieuses leçons des expériences précédentes

Le projet n'a pas suffisamment tenu compte des problèmes rencontrés dans le cadre des deux premières opérations et a mésestimé les difficultés d'une démarche visant à modifier les mentalité…

Livestock Management in Botswana: the Value of Previous Lessons


Botswana - First Family Health Project

The First Family Health Project in Botswana was satisfactory. The Bank's performance on this project as unsatisfactory, and the borrower performance was satisfactory. The project was…

Botswana - National Land Management and Livestock Project

The National Land Management and Livestock Project in Botswana was modest. Overall, institutional development is, therefore, rated as modest. Although the land-use planning function…

Botswana - Second and Third Education Projects

The Second and Third Education Projects in Botswana was achieved. The Bank's inability to accommodate the Government's request to utilize surplus funds to increase the number of…