
Displaying 71 - 80 of 116

Kenya - Site and Service Project

The Fourth Agricultural Development Bank Project (ADBP) in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) disbursed approximately the…

Jordan - Third Education Project

The Fourth Agricultural Development Bank Project (ADBP) in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) disbursed approximately the…

Botswana - Second Livestock Development Project

The Second Livestock Development Project for Botswana was satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was substantial,…

Thailand - Accelerated Rural Electrification Project

The Second Livestock Development Project for Botswana was satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was substantial,…

Guinea - Livestock Development Project

The Livestock Development Project for Guinea was rated a failure. The project achieved very little of its objectives and was eventually suspended, then cancelled. It has made no…

Zaire - Ituri Livestock Development Project

The Livestock Development Project for Guinea was rated a failure. The project achieved very little of its objectives and was eventually suspended, then cancelled. It has made no…

Senegal - Eastern Senegal Livestock Development Project

The objectives of the Eastern Senegal Livestock Development project were to increase beef production for local consumption, to improve use of the country's pastoral resources and…

Cameroun - Projet de Fonds de Développement Rural

This is a project performance assessment report of the Rural Development Fund Project in Cameroon. The project in northern Cameroon is one of the first three rural development…

Indonesia - Five Cities Water Supply Project

This is a project performance assessment report of the Rural Development Fund Project in Cameroon. The project in northern Cameroon is one of the first three rural development…

Burundi - Second Highway Project

This is a project performance assessment report of the Rural Development Fund Project in Cameroon. The project in northern Cameroon is one of the first three rural development…