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Sandra Bullock, Resource Rich Countries and what [even] World Bankers can learn from Evaluation

Sandra Bullock, Resource Rich Countries and what [even] World Bankers can learn from Evaluation

How can the World Bank Group help countries better manage their natural wealth? Insights from IEG's evaluation on resource rich countries.

Knowledge-Based Country Programs: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group Experience

This evaluation assesses knowledge-based activities in nine country programs (Bulgaria, Chile, China, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Russian Federation, South Africa and Thailand) selected from 48 knowledge-intensive…

Finland - Water Pollution Control Project

This is a project performance assessment report of the Third Agriculture Credit Project in Morocco. The loan provided funds to the Agricultural Credit Bank (CNCA) to support its…

Finland - Forest Improvement Project

The First Agricultural Credit Project in Tunisia was signed in July 1971 for US$8 million; Bank funds supported a medium-term credit program administered by the Banque Nationale de…

Finland - Fourth Development Bank Project

This report presents the results of a performance audit on The Turkey third and fourth Cukurova Power Projects. Both the Projects performing satisfactorily as well as performance of…

Finland - Third Highway Project

The Senegal Agricultural Credit Project aimed at increasing the groundnut and millet production of small farmers living in the main groundnut producing area of Senegal. The main…

Finland - Third Development Bank Project

The objective of the Cooperative Farms Project for Tunisia is: (1) the creation of 160 new agricultural production cooperative (UCPs) averaging 1,000 ha each on 160,000 ha of state…