
Displaying 1 - 10 of 16

Water and Development: World Bank Support, 1997-2007 - (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for the Water and Development: World Bank Support, 1997-2007, study. Almost a third of all Bank projects approved since 1997 have been water related. Water lending grew 55 percent in…

Do Health Sector-Wide Approaches Achieve Results? Emerging Evidence and Lessons from Six Countries: Bangladesh, Ghana, Kyrgyz Republic, Malawi, Nepal, Tanzania

This study distills evidence from six countries (Bangladesh, Ghana, Kyrgyz Republic, Nepal, Malawi, and Tanzania) to address four questions regarding Sector-wide Approaches (SWAps) in the health sector: (1) Were the…

Poverty Reduction Support Credits:
An Evaluation of World Bank Support - (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for the Poverty Reduction Support Credits: An Evaluation of World Bank Support study. Poverty Reduction Support Credits were intended to help countries implement comprehensive, country-owned…

The World Bank Group's Response to the Global Crisis : Update on an Ongoing IEG Evaluation (Evaluation Brief)

IEG has undertaken an evaluation of the World Bank Group's response to the economic crisis, focusing on developments since mid-2008. This note builds on IEG's 2008 Evaluation Brief, Lessons from World Bank Group…

Gender and Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support, 2002–08 (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for Gender and Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support, 2002–08, study. The evaluation finds that the Bank made progress in gender integration compared with an earlier IEG…

Protected Area Effectiveness in Reducing Tropical Deforestation: A Global Analysis of the Impact of Protection Status

Tropical deforestation accounts for one-fifth to one-quarter of the total human contribution to greenhouse gases. Reduction of deforestation therefore contributes to climate change mitigation and may also provide…

World Bank Engagement at the State Level: The Cases of Brazil, India, Nigeria and Russia (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for the IEG study on World Bank Engagement at the State Level: The Cases of Brazil, India, Nigeria and Russia. This pilot cross-country study reviews the selected cases of World Bank's lending…

Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2009: Achieving Sustainable Development (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for the 2009 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) report. ARDE presents the World Bank's record of performance in achieving outcomes from its projects and country programs and…

Bangladesh Country Assistance Evaluation, 2001-08 (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for the Bangladesh Country Assistance Evaluation (2001-08). Bangladesh is among the World Bank's largest IDA-eligible borrowers, with a country portfolio of 21 active projects and net…

Evaluation of the World Bank's Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for the IEG's evaluation on World Bank's Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA). CPIA assesses the conduciveness of a country's policy and institutional framework to poverty…