
Displaying 1 - 10 of 194

Indonesia - Completion and Learning Review for the Country Partnership Framework : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the FY11-FY16 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and its adjustments through the FY15…

Indonesia - Community-based Settlement Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project for Central and West Java and Yogyakarta Special Region

The government of Indonesia committed approximately $600 million to fund the reconstruction and rehabilitation of approximately 255,000 homes in the earthquake-affected areas. Several development partners also…
Boosting Market Confidence to Support Key Development Efforts

Boosting Market Confidence to Support Key Development Efforts: Three Lessons from Indonesia

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating the World Bank’s Public Expenditure Support Facility (DPL-DDO) in Indonesia.

Indonesia : public expenditure support facility development policy loan with deferred drawdown option

This Project Performance Assessment Review (PPAR) evaluates the Indonesia Public Expenditure Support Facility (PESF), a $2 billion development policy loan (DPL) with a deferred drawdown option (DDO) implemented between…
Promoting Science and Technology through Education - the Experience of Uganda

Promoting Science and Technology through Education - the Experience of Uganda

Promoting Science and Technology through Education - the Experience of Uganda

Uganda - Completion and learning review for the period FY2011-15 : IEG review

Despite maintaining an annual average growth rate of around 7 percent during 1987 to 2010, albeit starting from a low base, Uganda is a low income country with a GNI per capita of $660 in 2014, a figure lower than the…

Uganda - Millennium Science Initiative Project

Science and technology is a priority for the Ugandan government as it aspires to build a knowledge-based economy through investing in homegrown science and technology (S & T) graduates and research programs. At the…
Policy lending for Climate Change – Lessons from Indonesia

Policy lending for Climate Change – Lessons from Indonesia

This brief captures the lessons learned from evaluating the World Bank’s Indonesia Climate Change Development Policy Loan (CCDPL).

Indonesia - Climate Change Development Policy Loan Project

Ratings for the Climate Change Development Policy Loan Project for Indonesia were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was moderately…

Indonesia - Completion and learning review for the period FY2013-15 : IEG review

Rapid growth until 2012 led to a rapid decline in poverty, with the poverty headcount ratio reaching 11.3 percent in 2014. The fast pace of growth slowed down since 2013 thereby…