
Displaying 1 - 10 of 51
views of quito, old town, ecuador

Rebuilding relations: Lessons from the World Bank partnership with Ecuador

A new evaluation focuses on World Bank Group efforts to rebuild the partnership with Ecuador after a break in 2007 and offers lessons on remaining engaged in challenging environments and the approach to rebuilding…
The World Bank Group in Ecuador: Country Program Evaluation, Fiscal Years 2008–22

The World Bank Group in Ecuador

This evaluation assesses the relevance and effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s support to Ecuador during Fiscal Years 2008-22.  
Reader publication
Ecuador: A case study in crisis response. Photo: World Bank

Ecuador: A case study in crisis response

The success of World Bank support to Ecuador during the pandemic can be attributed to several driving factors, and offers lessons for the response to future crises.

Ecuador Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Ecuador seeks to assess the performance of the World Bank Group in helping Ecuador address its main development challenges. The objective of this CPE is to assess how the Bank…

Nicaragua - Fourth Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project and Rural Roads Infrastructure Improvement Project

Ratings for the Fourth Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was moderate, Bank performance was…

Nicaragua - offgrid rural electrification (PERZA) project

The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank Group prepared this Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on the Nicaragua Offgrid Rural Electrification Project. PERZA’s development objectives were to…

Nicaragua - Completion and learning review for country partnership framework for the period FY13-FY17 : IEG review

Nicaragua is a lower middle-income country with a GNI per capita of $2,050 in 2016. Nicaragua’s annual economic growth increased from 3.3 percent during the prior CPS period (2008-2012) to 4.9 percent during the CPS…

Nicaragua - Country partnership strategy for the period FY08-FY12 : IEG CPSCR review

This review examines the implementation of the Nicaragua Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for the period covering Fiscal Years (FY) 2008-2012 and the CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) of FY 2010, and assesses the CPS…

Ecuador - National System of Protected Areas Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report for Ecuador's National System of Protected Areas Project. The objective of the project was to ensure the conservation and management of Ecuador's biodiversity for…

The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor: A Regional Program Review

The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (MBC) is a land-use planning system that spans Central America and the five southern-most states of Mexico. It promotes the conservation and sustainable use of the region's natural…