
Displaying 1 - 10 of 33

Haiti - Port-Au-Prince Neighborhood Housing Reconstruction

Haiti is one of the poorest countries worldwide, and it has suffered from a long history of natural disasters, compounded with high poverty, weak institutions, and political instability. A major earthquake struck Haiti…

Haiti - Completion and learning review for the period FY09-FY14 : IEG review

Haiti suffers from severe institutional weaknesses that have impaired the pace of economic development and led the World Bank Group to classify it as a fragile state as reflected in its score of 3.2 or less in the Bank'…

The World Bank Group Response to the Haiti Earthquake: Evaluative Lessons (Evaluation Brief)

As Haiti faces the daunting task of recovery after the devastating earthquake, past experiences provide some lessons. Making a crucial difference to the effectiveness of actions seem to be the nature of the immediate…

Haïti - Projet de Développement Dans le Nord

This is a performance audit of the Rural Development Project in the Northern Department of Haiti. The audit finds that the PCR covers adequately the project's salient features, and…

Lessons Learned from World Bank Experience in Post-Conflict

This note was prepared as background information for for the OED Conference on "Effectiveness of Policies and Reforms" Washington D.C., October 4, 2004. It explores recent experience of the World Bank with post-conflict…

Lessons for LICUS (REACH)

Countries may move in and out of the Low Income Country under Stress (LICUS) category depending on the severity of external shocks and the responses which they elicit. Sources of stress vary. Shifting country…

Haiti Country Assistance Evaluation

Haiti's real per capita income fell during the last 15 years, and roughly two-thirds of the population lives in poverty, with economic and social indicators comparable to those of the poorest countries in the world.…

Haiti Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

Haiti's real per capita income fell during the last 15 years, and roughly two-thirds of the population lives in poverty, with economic and social indicators comparable to those of the poorest countries in the world.…

Involuntary Resettlement: The Large Dam Experience:

The bank's recent study of involuntary resettlement shows that for years, the infrastructure and human sides of projects were utterly disconnected in most instances. That is now changing, as more countries voice their…

Reasentamiento involuntario Experiencia con grandes presas

UN ESTUDIO RECIENTE DEL BANCO SOBRE EL reasentamiento involuntario, indica que los países que no tienen ni la capacidad ni la obligación de gestionar bien el elemento importante es la necesidad de obrar fuera del…