
Displaying 1 - 10 of 18
Employees of Vita Foam working in Freetown, Sierra Leone on June 19, 2015. Photo © Dominic Chavez/World Bank

The World Bank Group’s Experience with the IDA Private Sector Window: An Early-Stage Assessment

This report is an early-stage assessment of the World Bank Group’s experience with the International Development Association (IDA) Private Sector Window (PSW).
The World’s Bank: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Global Convening

The World’s Bank - An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Global Convening

This first-of-its-kind evaluation assesses the scope and effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s convening on major global development challenges.
The World Bank Group Partnership with the Philippines, 2009–18 Country Program Evaluation

The World Bank Group Partnership with the Philippines, 2009–18

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group program in the Philippines between 2009 and 2018.
Social Contracts and World Bank Country Engagements Lessons from Emerging Practices

Social Contracts and World Bank Country Engagements: Lessons from Emerging Practices

The objective of this evaluation is to take stock of social contract knowledge to assess the World Bank’s role in helping countries reshape their social contracts, especially through the integration of social contract…
An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support to Mexico

An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support to Mexico (2008–17)

This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s country program in Mexico between 2008 and 2017.
Toward a Clean World for All

Toward a Clean World for All: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support to Pollution Management

IEG’s first comprehensive assessment of pollution management efforts examines the extent to which the World Bank Group has been relevant, effective, and efficient in addressing pollution concerns in client countries.
Growth for the Bottom 40 Percent

Growth for the Bottom 40 Percent: The World Bank Group’s Support for Shared Prosperity

This evaluation assesses the World Bank Group's record on implementation of the shared prosperity goal since 2013, using the official definition of the goal of fostering income growth of the bottom 40 percent. It also…
Data for Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support for Data and Statistical Capacity

Data for Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support for Data and Statistical Capacity

This evaluation assesses how effectively the World Bank has supported development data production, sharing, and use, and suggests ways to improve its approach.

World Bank Group Engagement in Upper-Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from IEG Evaluations

This report synthesizes existing evaluative evidence on the outcomes and lessons learned from the World Bank Group’s partnership with upper-middle income countries. The report focuses mainly on IEG evaluations produced…
World Bank Group Joint Projects: A Review of Two Decades of Experience

World Bank Group Joint Projects: A Review of Two Decades of Experience

This first systematic stocktaking by IEG of joint or co-financed projects within the World Bank Group offers insight on both benefits of, and challenges in, developing, structuring, supervising, monitoring and…