
Displaying 1 - 10 of 16

Republic of Congo - Support for Economic Diversification Project

Ratings for the Support for Economic Diversification Project were as follows: Outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Overall efficacy was negligible for original PDO and modest for…

Congo, Republic of - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

The Republic of Congo is a lower middle-income country with a GNI per capita (Atlas method in current $) of $1,480 in 2017. Oil production had been the main driver of growth and source of government revenues, with…

Congo, Republic of - Country partnership strategy for the period FY10-FY12 : IEG CPSCR review

This review examines the implementation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010-2012 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for the Republic of Congo and the CPS Progress report (CPSPR) of FY 2011, and assesses the CPS Completion…

Estonia - Agriculture Project

Project ratings are as follows: Project outcome is rates highly satisfactory; sustainability is likely, institutional development impact is high; Bank performance is satisfactory; and Borrower performance is also…

Estonia - Haapsalu and Matsalu Bays Environmental Project

The audit concurs with both the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) and Evaluation Summary (ES) ratings of satisfactory project outcome, likely sustainability, and substantial institutional development impacts, as…

Republic of Congo - Public Enterprise Institutional Development Project (PEIDP), the Economic Recovery Credit Project (ERC), and the Privatization and Capacity Building Project (PCBP)

The outcomes of all three projects was adversely affected by resistance to reform, civil unrest resulting from political instability, a continuing exchange rate crisis, and oil price…

Estonia - Health Project

Overall project outcome is rated highly satisfactory, consistent with the ratig in the Implementation Completion Report (ICR). Institutional development impact is rated as high,…

World Bank Assistance to CFA Countries - An Evaluation of Selected Social, Economic, and Regional Aspects of the Bank's Performance (L'aide de la Banque Mondiale aux pays de la zone CFA)


Estonia - Rehabilitation Loan Project

The outcome of the Rehabilitation Loan Project for Estonia was satisfactory; the sustainability was likely; the institutional development impact was modest; and both the borrower and…

Congo - Structural Adjustment Program Project

This is the Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) for four similar agricultural development projects in western Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta). The four projects are generally…