
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Mauritania - Private Sector Development, Private Sector Development and Capacity Building, Public Resource Management, and Fiscal Reform Support Credits

The objective of the Private Sector Development Credit (PSDC) and the Private Sector Development and Capacity Building Credit (PSDCBC) for Mauritania, was to accelerate private sector development (PSD) by addressing the…

Mauritania - Private Sector Development, Private Sector Development and Capacity Building, Public Resource Management, and Fiscal Reform Support Credits

The objective of the Private Sector Development Credit (PSDC) and the Private Sector Development and Capacity Building Credit (PSDCBC) for Mauritania, was to accelerate private sector development (PSD) by addressing the…

Grassroots Pastoral Organizations in Mauritania

External support to the livestock sector in semi-arid regions has increasingly emphasized the development of pastoralists' groups to facilitate linkage with support services, especially in animal health, and to improve…

Les organisations pastorales communautaires en Mauritanie

L'appui que les organismes extérieurs fournissent au secteur de l'élevage dans les régions semi-arides met de plus en plus l'accent sur la constitution de groupes de pasteurs afin de leur permettre d'avoir plus…

Organizaciones populares de pastoreo comunitario de Mauritania

El apoyo externo al sector agropecuario de las regiones semiáridas ha favorecido cada vez más el fomento de grupos ganaderos para promover el vínculo con los servicios de apoyo, especialmente, de sanidad animal…

Mauritania - Second Livestock Project

This report focuses on the project's performance in developing pastoral cooperative associations (PCAs), and reviews their development, current position, and the issues arising in their continued evolution, two years…