
Displaying 1 - 10 of 13

Gabon - Country Partnership Framework Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) FY18-21, including its update in the…

Cluster Country Program Evaluation on Small States: Pacific Island Countries Program Evaluation (FY05–15 - Volume 1)

This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s relevance and effectiveness in the PICs as satisfactory. The World Bank made effective use of budgetary, IDA, and trust fund resources to support significant transformational…

Cluster Country Program Evaluation on Small States: Pacific Island Countries Program Evaluation (FY05–15 - Volume 2)

This is the appendix to the evaluation that assesses the Bank Group’s relevance and effectiveness in the PICs as satisfactory. The World Bank made effective use of budgetary, IDA, and trust fund resources to support…

Gabon - Country partnership strategy (CAS) completion report : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY05-09 Gabon Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the Country Assistance Strategy Progress Report (CASPR) of FY07, and evaluates the…

Making the Most of World Bank Assistance to Small States: A Synthesis of Evaluation Findings

From 1998-2000 the Small States Task Force, a joint effort of the World Bank and the Commonwealth Secretariat, deliberated on the unique circumstances of small states in a rapidly globalizing economy and worked toward a…

Gabon - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

The World Bank's objective in Gabon was focused on poverty alleviation, with the Bank assuming mostly the role of 'Knowledge Bank.' The role was ambitious given the limited resources…

Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to Pacific Member Countries (OED Reach for Pacific CAE)


Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to Pacific Member Countries, 1992-2002

The nine Pacific Member Countries (PMCs) of the World Bank Group are Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, the Federated States o f Micronesia, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu. The PMCs are a…

World Bank Assistance to CFA Countries - An Evaluation of Selected Social, Economic, and Regional Aspects of the Bank's Performance (L'aide de la Banque Mondiale aux pays de la zone CFA)


Gabon - Structural Adjustment Program Project

This is a performance audit report (PAR) on the first and second Pre-investment Studies projects for Paraguay. The first project was approved on August 21, 1975, signed on October 17…