
Displaying 1 - 10 of 43

Vietnam : Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project

The project development objective of the Vietnam Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project—as stated in the financing agreement dated December 10, 2009—included the following three elements: “increase production…

Vietnam : Transmission Efficiency Project

This report assesses the implementation experience and outcomes of the Transmission Efficiency Project, implemented in Vietnam from 2015 to 2021, with a project cost of $517.53 million, including International Bank for…
Chu Se District, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam - March 5, 2022: Ethnic minority children are happy to use clean water in Chu Se District, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam

Addressing rural water supply gaps with performance-based financing: lessons from Vietnam

The share of the world’s rural population with access to safely managed drinking water services reached 60% by 2020, but still lags behind a comparative rate of 85% among urban populations, according to the World Health…

Vietnam : Results-Based Rural Water Supply and Sanitation under the National Target Program

Ratings for the Results-Based Rural Water Supply and Sanitation under the National Target Program project are as follows: Outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was highly…

Republic of Congo - Support for Economic Diversification Project

Ratings for the Support for Economic Diversification Project were as follows: Outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Overall efficacy was negligible for original PDO and modest for…

Congo, Republic of - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

The Republic of Congo is a lower middle-income country with a GNI per capita (Atlas method in current $) of $1,480 in 2017. Oil production had been the main driver of growth and source of government revenues, with…

Vietnam – Water Resources Assistance Project

When the Vietnam Water Resources Assistance Project (VWRAP) was designed, Vietnam was the world’s second largest rice exporter, but land and labor productivity was relatively low in comparison with neighboring countries…

Vietnam - Education Projects : School Readiness and Escuela Nueva

The government and people of Vietnam place a high value on education. The government’s Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2010–20 and the Socio-Economic Development Plan 2016–20 emphasize the importance of investment…

Vietnam : forest sector development project

The Forest Sector Development Project, which was implemented between 2004 and 2015, contributed to the significant reforestation efforts made by the people of Vietnam. In parallel to this smallholder plantation…

Vietnam - Completion and learning review of the country partnership framework for the period FY12-16 : IEG review

Vietnam is a lower middle income country with a GNI per capita income of USD 1,990 in 2015. During the review period, the country continued to experience rapid GDP growth averaging 5.…