
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Comparison of the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems of the World Bank and the Global Fund

This is a working paper focused on IEG's detailed comparison of the project-level monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis (Global Fund) and the World Bank…

Russian Federation - Health Reform Pilot Project

The objective of the Health Reform Pilot Project was to improve the quality and efficiency of health care and reproductive and cardiovascular health outcomes in two oblasts (regions) – Tver and Kaluga -- on a pilot…

Российская Федерация - Пилотный Проект Реформа Здравоохранения

The objective of the Health Reform Pilot Project was to improve the quality and efficiency of health care and reproductive and cardiovascular health outcomes in two oblasts (regions) – Tver and Kaluga -- on a pilot…