
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Displaying 1 - 10 of 168

Mozambique Country Assistance Review

This Country Assistance Review (CAR) incorporates the findings of an OED team that visited Mozambique in October 1997. Its main conclusion is that the Bank's assistance in Mozambique's economic transformation strongly…

Evaluation Capacity Development in Africa - Selected Proceedings from a Seminar in Abidjan

This report is the proceedings of the Regional Seminar and Workshop, Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Development in Africa, held in Abidjan November 6-9, 1998. The objectives of the workshop were to provide an…

Jamaica: Country Assistance Note

Jamaica has had negative per capita gross domestic product growth for much of the last quarter of a century, despite active involvement of the Bank. Three structural adjustment and five sectoral adjustment loans since…

Bangladesh: Country Assistance Review

This volume reviews 16 years of IDA involvement in Bangladesh, which included 93 projects, a massive volume of economic and sector work, and an ongoing policy dialogue that has examined all aspects of economic and…

Thailand: Country Assistance Note

The severity of Thailand ' s crisis and the speed at which it spread to the region came as a surprise to most observers, and the World Bank was no exception. But, even if the Bank had benefited from perfect foresight,…

Kenya's Geothermal Development Program

Between 1979 and 1996, the Bank carried out five projects to support Kenya's program to develop geothermal power resources¾the first such program in Africa. An OED audit* of the five projects found that they were…

India - Social Safety Net Sector Adjustment Program

This performance audit report rates the Social Safety Net Sector Adjustment Program for India. It was prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) following a mission visit…

Public Sector Performance--The Critical Role of Evaluation

This volume includes proceedings of a seminar held in Washington , D.C., in April 1998. The seminar was organized to encourage debate and explore the links between public sector performance and the role of evaluation by…

1998 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness

The ongoing financial crisis has raised questions about the underpinnings of development assistance and the role of international financial institutions. A new development assistance framework, grounded in partnership,…