
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Displaying 1 - 10 of 63

Tanzania Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Tanzania assesses the World Bank Group’s effectiveness and relevance in its work to help Tanzania address its key development challenges. The CPE will encompass two Bank Group…

Tanzania Country Assistance Evaluation


Tanzania - Completion and learning review country assistance strategy progress report for the period of FY12-15 : IEG review

This review of Tanzania’s Completion Report of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) covers the period of the original CAS, FY12-15, and the Country…

The Poverty Reduction Strategy Initiative: Findings from 10 Country Case Studies of World Bank and IMF Support

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) of the World Bank—independent units reporting to their respective institutions' Executive…

Tanzania - Human Resource Development Pilot Project, Primary Education Development Program Project, and Secondary Education Development Program Project

The purpose of this report is to assess the development effectiveness of and lessons of three Bank-supported education projects in mainland Tanzania implemented over a decade (between 1997-2007) - the Human Resources…

Tanzania - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review : IEG review

The FY07-10 Tanzania Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) was prepared as a World Bank Group (WBG) specific subset of a multi-donor joint assistance strategy, covering International…

Tanzania - Public Service Reform Program Project

Ratings for the Public Service Reform Program Project for Tanzania were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, risk to development outcome was high, Bank performance was…

Tanzania - Agricultural Sector Management Project (ASMP), the Second Agricultural Research Project (TARP II), and the Second National Agricultural Extension Project (NAEP II)

This evaluation finds mixed performance overall. The outcome of the Agricultural Sector Management Project (ASMP) is rated moderately satisfactory. The outcome of the Second Agricultural Research Project (TARP II) is…

Tanzania - Program Loan Project

This report concerns with the program loan made to Tanzania in December, 1974. Its principal objectives included the provision of quick disbursing assistance for Tanzania's investment…

Tanzania - Program Credit Project

The Yugoslavia Fifth Highway Project supported the execution of the third and final phase of a highway program submitted to the Bank in 1968. The civil works component of the project…