
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Displaying 1 - 10 of 22

Paraguay - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY09-FY13

This review examines the implementation of the FY09-FY13 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) of FY09 and the CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) of FY12, and assesses the CPS Completion Report (CPSCR). The CPS was an IBRD-only…

Paraguay: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines World Bank assistance to Paraguay from 1989-99. Until the mid-1980s, Paraguay experienced long periods of sustained growth based on expansion of agricultural production…

Paraguay - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY15-FY18 : IEG Review

Paraguay - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY15-FY18 : IEG Review (English) Paraguay is an upper middle-income country with a population of 6.8 million (2017) and a GNI per capita (Atlas method) of USD…

Paraguay - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2004-08 : IEG review

The FY04-07 Paraguay CAS was a re-engagement strategy for the Bank following a prolonged period of limited lending. The CAS proposed a substantial program of lending and AAA for FY04-…

Paraguay - PY PRODERS - Sust. Agric. Rur Dev. Prj

This paper takes a look at the problem of education, and shows that the educational systems in developing countries are all too often ill-conceived and are not adapted to their…

Paraguay - Fourth Livestock Credit Project

Rating for the First Power Project for Afghanistan was as follows: association's performance was excellent. Some lessons learned included: institutional objectives in the utility…

Paraguay - First and Second Pre-investment Studies Projects

This is a performance audit report (PAR) on the first and second Pre-investment Studies projects for Paraguay. The first project was approved on August 21, 1975, signed on October 17…

Rural Water Projects: Lessons from OED Evaluations


Paraguay - Small Farmer Credit and Rural Development Project

The Somalia Trans-Juba Livestock Project ran into a number of complications and was ultimately suspended. The project failed to achieve its objectives and must be regarded as a…

Paraguay - Community Based Rural Water Systems and the Development of Village Committees

This impact evaluation reports on three rural water supply projects in Paraguay. These projects established 275 functioning community-based water systems and have raised the coverage of rural areas from around 1 percent…