
Displaying 1 - 10 of 31

Increasing Adult Literacy: A Focus on Reading Speed and Accuracy

Almost one billion people worldwide cannot read, despite increased primary education enrollments. Literacy is essential to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Further, one of the objectives of the Education for All…

Maintaining Momentum to 2015? Sources of Improved Child and Maternal Health and Nutrition in Bangladesh

Interventions supported by the World Bank and other external agencies have saved the lives of millions of children in Bangladesh over the last two decades. These health benefits come from both direct interventions, such…

A Review of the Literature on Participatory Approaches to Local Development for an Evaluation of the Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Community-Based and Driven Development Approaches

This paper explores the available literature on participatory approaches to development as an input to the OED evaluation of World Bank-supported community-based development (CBD) and community-driven development (CDD)…

The Global Integrated Pest Management Facility - Addressing Challenges of Globalization: An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank's Approach to Global Programs

This case study assesses the value added by the Bank's participation in the Global IPM Facility with a view to learning lessons for the Bank's future involvement in global programs. This is not a programmatic evaluation…

Harmonized Evaluation Critiera for ICR and IEG Evaluations

Rating scale that measures the extent to which the operation's major relevant objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved, efficiently.

Albania: Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

After a pyramid scheme collapsed in late 1996/97 that led to riots and looting, Albania forged a stable economy through sound economic management and stronger economic institutions. Rapid growth improved overall…

Bolivia: Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

After over 10 years of stabilization and structural reform, Bolivia in 1998 appeared to be poised for major development advances. The Bank's FY99-03 program thus adopted accelerated growth, poverty reduction, and human…

Monitoring and Evaluation: Some Tools, Methods, and Approaches (Russian version)

You will find an overview of a sample of M&E tools, methods, and approaches outlined here, including their purpose and use; advantages and disadvantages; costs, skills, and time required; and key references. Those…

Partnership in Joint Country Assistance Evaluations: A Review of World Bank Experience

In the last few years, OED has partnered with several agencies to produce joint Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs). The following completed joint CAEs have been undertaken in collaboration with other multilateral…

2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction (REACH)

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…