Informing Policy and Decisions

IEG 2022 Annual Report

The annual report looks back at the past fiscal year and explores how IEG's reports increasingly inform policy and decision making.

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During fiscal year (FY)22, we continued to make our way through unfamiliar territory. COVID-19 continued to delay the return to normalcy and increase vulnerabilities around the world. The war in Ukraine caused upheavals in countries already struggling with the social and economic impacts of the pandemic. At the Independent Evaluation Group, we focused on identifying and sharing lessons and evidence to inform key decisions on meeting these overlapping challenges. Drawing on new evaluative work and a body of existing evidence, IEG made meaningful contributions to the 20th Replenishment of the International Development Association and the Bank Group’s road map for addressing the impacts of multiple global crises on developing countries. At the same time, we produced evaluations on transitioning to a circular economy, reducing child undernutrition, and IFC’s investments in K–12 private schools, among others.

The rapidly changing conditions in the world require swift responses. In FY23, IEG will focus on agility and balance in providing evaluative evidence for short- and long-term agendas. The work program is flexible, leaving more room for just-in-time reports. Read the FY22 annual report to learn more about IEG’s accomplishments in FY22 and directions for FY23.

FY22 At a Glance