Displaying 1 - 10 of 57
Impact Evaluations and Development: NONIE Guidance on Impact Evaluation
This document discusses questions of what impact evaluation is about, when it is appropriate, and how to do it. The Network of Networks for Impact Evaluation (NONIE) was established in 2006 to foster more and better…
Contribution and Effectiveness of Trade Facilitation Measures: Structured Literature Review
This literature review has two main objectives. The first is to survey the findings on effectiveness of trade facilitation measures on outcomes such as trade flows, and trade costs. The second objective is to gain a…
Later Impacts of Early Childhood Interventions: A Systematic Review
While much has been written on early childhood development and the near-term benefits to children selected to participate in interventions, few studies look at the sustained impacts of these programs. This systematic…
Improving Coverage and Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Services in Lao PDR: Impact Evaluation of the Community Nutrition Project
The World Bank supported the Community Nutrition Project (CNP) in Lao PDR from 2009 to 2013 to respond to the global food crisis of 2007-08. The project was administered through a conditional cash transfer (CCT) with a…
Social Safety Nets and Gender: Learning from Impact Evaluations and World Bank Projects
Gender equality is widely accepted as an essential component of effective development, and in the past two decades it has progressively taken center stage in the international development community. As the third…
Delivering the Millennium Development Goals To Reduce Maternal and Child Mortality
Improved outcomes for women and children—more education, lower fertility rates, higher nutritional status, and lower incidence of illness, among other outcomes—have broad individual, family, and societal benefits.
Delivering the MDGs To Reduce Maternal and Child Mortality: A Systematic Review of Impact Evaluation Evidence
The targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been a bellwether for progress, particularly for maternal and child health. After more than a decade of effort, these goals have proved difficult to attain and…
Delivering the Millennium Development Goals To Reduce Maternal and Child Mortality (Dataset)
This dataset includes information used in the "Delivering the Millennium Development Goals To Reduce Maternal and Child Mortality" evaluation.
Impact Evaluation of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Interventions
The international community is paying increased attention to the 25 percent of the worldâs population
that lives in fragile and conflict affected settings, acknowledging that these settings represent daunting…
Impact Evaluation of Business License Simplification in Peru: An Independent Assessment of an International Finance Corporation-Supported Project
It is often claimed that inefficient business regulations and procedures lock enterprises into a vicious circle of informality, where firms have little effective access to financing and are constrained in their ability…