
Displaying 221 - 230 of 241

Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Bosnia - Herzegovina

The conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina resulted in 250,000 deaths, massive internal displacement, and the exodus of one million refugees. The agreement in Dayton was reached only after the US and other key participants…

Evaluation Capacity Development: The Development of Australia's Evaluation System


Indonesia's National Evaluation System


Evaluation Capacity Development in Zimbabwe: Issues and Opportunities


Evaluation Capacity Development: Lessons from National Experience


Zambia - First and Second Privatization and Industrial Reform Credits and Economic and Social Adjustment Credit

The Ninth Power Project and Power Distribution and Transmission Project for Sri Lanka were rated marginally satisfactory. The projects achieved most of their objectives, their impact…

Philippines - Energy Sector Project

The Ninth Power Project and Power Distribution and Transmission Project for Sri Lanka were rated marginally satisfactory. The projects achieved most of their objectives, their impact…

Public Sector Performance--The Critical Role of Evaluation

This volume includes proceedings of a seminar held in Washington , D.C., in April 1998. The seminar was organized to encourage debate and explore the links between public sector performance and the role of evaluation by…

Lessons from Urban Transport: Selected Proceedings from a World Bank Seminar

This seminar explored the provision of effective urban transport through a mixture of public expenditure management and institutional change. Beyond project outputs, new forms of service provision that induce more…

Jamaica - Kingston Urban Transport Project

The Ninth Power Project and Power Distribution and Transmission Project for Sri Lanka were rated marginally satisfactory. The projects achieved most of their objectives, their impact…