
Displaying 191 - 200 of 241

Thailand: Country Assistance Note

The severity of Thailand ' s crisis and the speed at which it spread to the region came as a surprise to most observers, and the World Bank was no exception. But, even if the Bank had benefited from perfect foresight,…

Nepal - Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power Project and Third Technical Assistance (Pancheswar) Project

This audit report rates the Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power and Third Technical Assistance (Pancheswar) Projects for Nepal. The Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power Project was rated…

Brazil - Municipal Development Projects in the State of Parana and in the State of Rio Grande do Sul

This audit report rates the Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power and Third Technical Assistance (Pancheswar) Projects for Nepal. The Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power Project was rated…

Sri Lanka - General Education Project

The General Education Project for Sri Lanka was rated satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is…

Thailand - Land Reform Areas Project and Second Land Titling Project

The Land Reform Areas Project (Loan 2198-TH) and the Second Land Titling Project (Loan 3254-TH) in Thailand took different approaches to land administration. The Land Reform Areas…

Mexico - The Second Tropical Agricultural Development Project and the Decentralization and Regional Development Project

The Land Reform Areas Project (Loan 2198-TH) and the Second Land Titling Project (Loan 3254-TH) in Thailand took different approaches to land administration. The Land Reform Areas…

World Bank Support for Small Scale Enterprises in Ecuador - An Impact Evaluation


Cote d'Ivoire - Competitiveness and Regulatory Reform Adjustment Program Project and Economic Recovery Credit Project

The Competitiveness and Regulatory Reform Adjustment Program Project and Economic Recovery Credit Project for Cote d'Ivoire were satisfactory. The projects achieved their objectives,…

Recent Experience with Involuntary Resettlement: Brazil - Itaparica


Recent Experience with Involuntary Resettlement : Thailand - Pakmun
