
Displaying 101 - 110 of 241

Gender in the Design and Outcomes of World Bank Adult Literacy and Skills Project (Working Paper)

This paper reviews the relevance and extent to which gender differences were addressed in World Bank adult literacy and skills projects. The paper was prepared as part of the IEG evaluation of the 2001 World Bank Gender…

Can a Market-Assisted Land Redistribution Program Improve the Lives of the Poor? Evidence from Malawi

This paper evaluates the Malawi’s Community Based Rural Land Development Project (CBLDP), which provides a conditional cash and land transfer to a group of families to relocate to larger and more productive plots of…

Can a Market-Assisted Land Redistribution Program Improve the Lives of the Poor? Evidence from Malawi

This paper evaluates the Malawi’s Community Based Rural Land Development Project (CBLDP), which provides a conditional cash and land transfer to a group of families to relocate to larger and more productive plots of…

Evaluation of IFC's Poverty Reduction Focus and Results (IEDR) 2010

IFC's vision and purpose puts poverty alleviation at the core of the institution's mandate. Although poverty reduction is often articulated in strategy documents, operational policies, and lending and non-lending…
The World Bank Group’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis - Phase 1

The World Bank Group’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis - Phase 1

This IEG study is a real- time assessment of ongoing activities. As such, it evaluates the immediate results and serves as an input to the WBG's continuing efforts to address the effects of the crisis. The evaluation of…

Panama - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2008-FY2010 : IEG review

The FY08-FY10 Panama Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) was a joint strategy by the Bank and IFC. This review examines the implementation of the FY08-10 CPS, as revised by the 2009…

1998 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness

The ongoing financial crisis has raised questions about the underpinnings of development assistance and the role of international financial institutions. A new development assistance framework, grounded in partnership,…

Jamaica: Country Assistance Note

Jamaica has had negative per capita gross domestic product growth for much of the last quarter of a century, despite active involvement of the Bank. Three structural adjustment and five sectoral adjustment loans since…

Building Institutions and Financing Local Development: Lessons from Brazil and the Philippines


Ghana - Second Education Sector Adjustment Credit Project

The overall outcome of the project is rated as marginally unsatisfactory; sustainability as uncertain; institutional development as modest; borrower performance as unsatisfactory; and…