
Displaying 4141 - 4150 of 5577

India - Second Orissa Irrigation Project

This is a Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) on the Second Orissa Irrigation Project, involving an International Development Agency (IDA) credit in the amount of US$105.0 million…

India - Bihar Rural Roads Project

This is a Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) on the Second Orissa Irrigation Project, involving an International Development Agency (IDA) credit in the amount of US$105.0 million…

Ethiopia - Agricultural Projects

This is a Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) on the Second Orissa Irrigation Project, involving an International Development Agency (IDA) credit in the amount of US$105.0 million…

Ethiopia - Revised Amibara Irrigation Project

This is a Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) on the Second Orissa Irrigation Project, involving an International Development Agency (IDA) credit in the amount of US$105.0 million…

Ethiopia - Drought Recovery Project

The objective of the Ethiopia Drought Recovery project was to support recovery of peasant crop and livestock production through increasing the Government of Ethiopia's capacity to…

Colombia - Second and Third Agricultural Credit Projects

The objective of the Ethiopia Drought Recovery project was to support recovery of peasant crop and livestock production through increasing the Government of Ethiopia's capacity to…

Malawi - Rural Development Program (NRDP) Projects

This is the Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) for four similar agricultural development projects in western Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta). The four projects are generally…

Sri Lanka - First and Second Small and Medium Industry and Industrial Development Projects

The First and Second Small and Medium Industry and Industrial Development Projects was achieved. The International Development Association (IDA) devoted a considerable amount of…

Upper Volta - Agricultural Development Projects

This is the Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) for four similar agricultural development projects in western Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta). The four projects are generally…

Uruguay - Agricultural Development Project

This is the Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) for four similar agricultural development projects in western Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta). The four projects are generally…