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Evaluation of International Development Interventions

Evaluation of International Development Interventions

This guide provides an overview of evaluation approaches and methods that have been used in the field of international development evaluation.
Reader publication
Participants of the Virtual Africa launch of the Global Evaluation Initiative

Building on what is already there: Africa launch of the Global Evaluation Initiative

“The monitoring and evaluation process is essential for governance and the development of evidence-based policies,” announced Mozambique Vice Minster of Finance Dr. Carla Alexandra Oreste do Rosário Fernandes Louveir at…
High peak demand for energy in FYR Macedonia can result in power outages around the country. Here a young child does homework by lamplight in a home outside of Skopje. Photo: Tomislav Georgiev / World Bank

The deepening and broadening discussion on assessing ‘Who Benefits?’ in evaluation practice

After attending the UNDP National Evaluation Capacities and the American Evaluation Association Conferences in 2019, I wrote a blog Are Evaluators Ready to Answer Question: Who Benefits? The answer was that…

Jamaica: Hurricane Dean Emergency Recovery Loan (PPAR)

Jamaica is highly exposed to natural disasters. The negative impacts on economic development and social well-being are exacerbated as approximately 82 percent of Jamaica’s population lives within 5 kilometers of the…

Jamaica – Hurricane Dean Emergency Recovery Loan

Ratings for the Hurricane Dean Emergency Recovery Loan are as follows: Outcome was moderately satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was moderate, Bank performance was moderately…
Meet The Evaluator: Anna Aghumian

Meet The Evaluator: Anna Aghumian

In this audio interview we meet the Independent Evaluation Group’s (IEG) Anna Aghumian. She is a senior evaluator who specializes in the World Bank Group’s global work, multi-donor partnerships, and global public goods…
Management Action Record Reform: IEG’s Validation Report

2020: Management Action Record Reform: IEG’s Validation Report

The Management Action Record (MAR) is a key element of the World Bank Group’s accountability framework. This document summarizes recent MAR reforms and validates management’s self-assessment.
Pictured above: A teacher with his students in class Kenya, April 2017 Credit: GPE/Kelley Lynch

How can teachers continue to grow and contribute to quality learning outcomes?

The first two blogs in this series discussed the importance of good teachers and how such teachers are “made” by quality training, both before they enter the profession and while they are practicing it. The second blog…
A third year student at ENI-NKTT (L'Ecole Normale des Instituteurs de Nouakchott) teaches a fourth grade Arabic class at Ecole Annexe primary school; Nouakchott, Mauritania. Credit GPE/Kelley Lynch

What is the best way to train teachers before they start teaching?

The first blog in this series discussed the importance of good teachers and how such teachers are “made.” It also examined factors underpinning quality teacher training, a critical driver of quality learning that is, in…
Pictured above: Ain Beni Mathar Integrated Combined Cycle Thermo-Solar Power Plant. Photo credit: Dana Smillie / World Bank

Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s support for electricity supply from renewable energy resources, 2000–2017

This evaluation assesses the performance of the World Bank Group (WBG) in its support to electricity production from renewable energy resources in client countries over the period 2000 to 2017.