
Displaying 1411 - 1420 of 5577

The Government Monitoring and Evaluation System in India: A Work in Progress

A surge in public expenditure driven by economic growth has occurred in India, which in turn has resulted in a growing demand for monitoring and evaluation and performance management from government, program…

The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) Annual Report 2013

IEG's strategic goal is to influence the World Bank Group's ability to achieve development outcomes globally and with its partner countries. To accomplish its goal, IEG, (a) Provides independent, credible, and useful…

The Government Monitoring and Evaluation System in India: A Work in Progress (ECD Working Paper Series #28)

A surge in public expenditure driven by economic growth has occurred in India,which in turn has resulted in a growing demand for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and performance management from government, program…

A Clear Line of Sight

When Atul Gawande, the well known surgeon and writer, spoke at the World Bank in October, one of his many excellent examples struck me in particular. He contrasted the use of anesthesia with that of hand-washing.  …

Adding Value to Evaluations: Applying the Governmental Learning Spiral for Evaluation-Based Learning

Since 2008, IEG has carried out a number of evaluation-based learning processes that have brought together over 400 participants from World Bank operations, other international organizations, client governments, civil…

IEG Annual Report 2013

Learn about IEG's activities and achievements in fiscal year 2013, and the outlook for future work.

Why Should People Change?

Building on my last blog entry, I want to talk more about behavioral economics – a science that is taking the world by storm, has earned Daniel Kahneman the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2002, and is the focus of the…

The Government Monitoring and Evaluation System in India: A Work in Progress

A surge in public expenditure driven by economic growth has occurred in India, which in turn has resulted in a growing demand for monitoring and evaluation and performance management from government, program…

World Bank Group Support for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Growth in any economy comes from (i) growth in inputs of production; (ii) improvements in the efficiency of allocation of inputs across economic activities; and (iii) innovation that creates new products, devises new…
innovation and entrepreneurship, ieg report on innovation and entrepreneurship

World Bank Group Support for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Growth in any economy comes from (i) growth in inputs of production; (ii) improvements in the efficiency of allocation of inputs across economic activities; and (iii) innovation that creates new products, devises new…