
Displaying 271 - 280 of 5577
A woman from Bamako, Mali in a colorful dress sitting on the floor in a rural village kitchen, sharing half of an egg with a child in Bamako, Mali.  Photo credit Shutterstock/ By Riccardo Mayer

World Bank Support to Reducing Child Undernutrition

This evaluation assesses the contribution of the World Bank to improve nutrition in children during 2007-2018 (FY08–FY19).
Reader publication

Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s early response in addressing the economic implications of COVID-19 (Approach Paper)

The purpose of this evaluation is to foster learning and adaptive management to strengthen the Bank Group’s response to the economic dimensions of the COVID-19 crisis: protecting livelihoods. The Economic Implications…
Nous y revoilà : viabilité de la dette des pays à faible revenu 

Nous y revoilà : viabilité de la dette des pays à faible revenu 

Ayant fait mes premières armes sur les questions liées à la viabilité de la dette au milieu des années 1990, lorsque je travaillais sur la conception et la mise en œuvre de l’initiative en faveur des pays pauvres très…

Cá estamos outra vez: sustentabilidade da dívida em Países de Baixa Renda

Após obter experiência em assuntos relacionados com a sustentabilidade da dívida em meados da década de 90 (trabalhando na concepção e implementação da Iniciativa…
Here we go again: Debt sustainability in low-income countries

Here we go again: Debt sustainability in low-income countries

Having cut my teeth on issues of debt sustainability in the mid-1990s working on the design and implementation of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC), I can’t help but have a feeling of déjà vu as…

Addressing Gender Inequalities in Countries Affected by Fragility, Conflict and Violence: An Evaluation of WBG Support (Approach Paper)

The WBG recognizes that achieving gender equality is particularly challenging in those settings, but it is critical to make progress in peace building and resilience to crisis. Addressing gender gaps is a priority in…
IEG Impact Evaluations and Development, NONIE guidance on impact evaluations

Impact Evaluations and Development: NONIE Guidance on Impact Evaluation

This document discusses questions of what impact evaluation is about, when it is appropriate, and how to do it. The Network of Networks for Impact Evaluation (NONIE) was established in 2006 to foster more and better…
image of a bridge at sunset. Photo credit shutterstock/ gyn9037

A Bridge to the Future

Reader publication
Old and young holding hands. Photo credit: Shutterstock/Africa Studio

Adapting development in response to population aging

Population aging is no longer just a rich country phenomenon. Thanks to dramatic improvements in nutrition, sanitation, health, education, and—more generally—economic well-being, longevity has increased everywhere in…
16 January 2019 - Beni, Democratic Republic of Congo.  Health workers put their gloves on before checking patients at the hospital. Photo credit: World Bank / Vincent Tremeau

Lessons from Ebola for the fight against Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

The World Bank’s support for countries facing deadly Ebola outbreaks contain some pertinent lessons for the current fight against COVID-19—and responses to future disease outbreaks. Collateral…