
Displaying 281 - 290 of 5577
image that reads What have we learned from the World Bank’s Support to Address Ebola Outbreaks?

What have we learned from the World Bank’s Support to Address Ebola Outbreaks?

What have we learned from the World Bank’s Support to Address Ebola Outbreaks? What have we learned from support for Ebola outbreaks? Over the past five years, Ebola has seized global interest in relation to the…

Guinea - Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Project

Ratings for the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Project are as follows: Outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Overall efficacy was modest, Bank performance was…

Azerbaijan – ARP II Integrated Solid Waste Management Project

Ratings for the Absheron Rehabilitation Program II Integrated Solid Waste Management Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and Quality…

Reducing Disaster Risk from Natural Hazards – An Evaluation of World Bank Support 2010-20 (Approach Paper)

Disasters caused by natural hazards are a threat to development, and their costs are rising. Climate change is exacerbating the costs of disasters and putting more people at risk from more powerful, more frequent, and…
pictured above: Women draw water from a well in the drylands of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India. By Yavuz Sariyildiz via Shutterstock (November 9, 2014).

Addressing groundwater depletion: Lessons from India, the world’s largest user of groundwater

India is home to 16% of the world’s population, but only holds 4% of the world’s freshwater resources. Not only is water scarce in India, but the extraction of groundwater has been on the rise for decades. Since…
Meet The Evaluator: Soniya Carvalho

Meet The Evaluator: Soniya Carvalho

On International Youth Day, IEG spoke with Soniya Carvalho, a Lead Evaluation Officer, who has spent over three decades working in international development. During this time, she has focused on areas such as knowledge…
Image of man holding an umbrella to shield from the sun. Adapted from shutterstock

So, you want to reduce fiscal and financial vulnerabilities to better prepare for the next crisis?

Proactively strengthening institutions for crisis preparedness can make the difference between whether a country bounces back quickly from an unexpected shock or struggles for years to regain its footing.
Addressing Country-Level Fiscal and Financial Sector Vulnerabilities

Addressing Country-Level Fiscal and Financial Sector Vulnerabilities

This evaluation assesses World Bank Group support to client countries to build resilience to exogenous shocks. Proactively reducing fiscal and financial sector vulnerabilities and strengthening…
Reader publication

World Bank Group Support to Energy Efficiency: An Independent Evaluation of Demand-side Approaches (Approach Paper)

Energy efficiency contributes, first and foremost, to addressing climate change, but it also to addressing three other critical development challenges: firm productivity, energy security, and household energy…
shutterstock/ Ja Crispy

World Bank Support to Aging Countries

This evaluation is the first at the Independent Evaluation Group to assess the World Bank’s contribution to diagnosing client countries’ demographic issues related to population aging.
Reader publication