
Displaying 5291 - 5300 of 5577

Sénégal - Projet Rizicole en Casamance

The Casamance Rice Project for Senegal supported the improvement of 2,000 ha swamp rice of which 1,000 ha through water control schemes, the clearing of 9,500 ha for agricultural…

Dominican Republic - Livestock Development Project

The Casamance Rice Project for Senegal supported the improvement of 2,000 ha swamp rice of which 1,000 ha through water control schemes, the clearing of 9,500 ha for agricultural…

Niger - Agricultural Credit Project

The Casamance Rice Project for Senegal supported the improvement of 2,000 ha swamp rice of which 1,000 ha through water control schemes, the clearing of 9,500 ha for agricultural…

Senegal - Casamance Rice Project

The Casamance Rice Project for Senegal supported the improvement of 2,000 ha swamp rice of which 1,000 ha through water control schemes, the clearing of 9,500 ha for agricultural…

Pakistan - Program Credit Project

The Program Credit Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Program Credit has been only partially successful in achieving its objectives. The Program Credit has been only partially…

Indonesia - Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

The Program Credit Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Program Credit has been only partially successful in achieving its objectives. The Program Credit has been only partially…

Korea - Integrated Dairy Beef Development Project

The Program Credit Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Program Credit has been only partially successful in achieving its objectives. The Program Credit has been only partially…

Indonesia - First and Second North Sumatra Agricultural Estates Projects

The Program Credit Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Program Credit has been only partially successful in achieving its objectives. The Program Credit has been only partially…

Bénin - Project Zou-Borgou de culture du coton

The Zou-Borgou Cotton Project provided funds for expanding and improving cotton and rice production, processing and marketing in two major departments of Benin. The credit also…

Benin - Zou - Borgou Cotton Project

The Zou-Borgou Cotton Project provided funds for expanding and improving cotton and rice production, processing and marketing in two major departments of Benin. The credit also…