
Displaying 1391 - 1400 of 5577

Laos People's Democratic Republic - Second Land Titling Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the experience of the Bank in support of the Second Land Titling project in Lao PDR during the period 2003 to 2009. The project objectives consisted of (i)…

World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

he World Bank Group has identified support to fragile and conflict-affected states (FCS) as a strategic priority, critical to achieving its mission of poverty alleviation and shared prosperity. Progress is evident in…

Who is Evaluating the Private Sector?

The market of course. Consumers in their choice to buy a product or not, investors in their choice to put their money in one company or another, and competitors who push the bar on performance for greater market share…

Qui évalue le secteur privé ?

Le marché, bien entendu. Le marché, ce sont les consommateurs, qui décident ou non d’acheter tel produit ; les investisseurs, qui décident ou non de tabler sur une entreprise ; et les concurrents, qui…

¿Quién evalúa al sector privado?

El mercado, naturalmente. Los consumidores, al decidir si compran o no un producto; los inversionistas, al elegir en qué compañía invierten su dinero; y los competidores, al elevar el desempeño para aumentar su…
world bank group partnership with global environment facility, wbg and gef

The World Bank Group’s Partnership with the Global Environment Facility

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in 1991 to provide new funding to achieve global environmental benefits in initially four and later six focal areas: biological diversity, climate change,…

Delivering the Millennium Development Goals To Reduce Maternal and Child Mortality

Improved outcomes for women and children—more education, lower fertility rates, higher nutritional status, and lower incidence of illness, among other outcomes—have broad individual, family, and societal benefits.

Mother and Child Health - Reaching 2015 Targets and Beyond

The 2012 UN MDG Report highlights that in 2008, 63% of women world-wide delivered their babies attended by skilled health personnel. The good side: this is up from 53% in 1990, but it still leaves 37% of women in…

Learning and Results in World Bank Operations

The purpose of this study is to promote a better understanding of how well has the World Bank learned in its lending operations, and what is the scope for improving how it generates, accesses, and uses learning and…

Learning and Results in World Bank Operations

The purpose of this study is to promote a better understanding of how well has the World Bank learned in its lending operations, and what is the scope for improving how it generates, accesses, and uses learning and…