
Displaying 371 - 380 of 5577

Ethiopia – Sustainable Land Management Project I and II

Ratings for the Sustainable Land Management Project I are as follows: Overall outcome is satisfactory, Risk to development outcomes is moderate, Bank performance is moderately…
Evidence as a guide in uncertain times

Evidence as a guide in uncertain times - IEG in 2020

As the World Bank Group responded to the emerging pandemic, the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) quickly realigned its work program to focus on the new priorities. Our capacity to adapt and provide insights relevant…
IEG Annual Report 2020 image of a compass

Insights for a Rapidly Changing World

Reader publication
A teacher trainee helps out in the class two classroom by passing out textbooks. As part of her training she will spend three weeks observing and working with each teacher in the school. Sandogo “B” primary school, District 7, Ouagadougou.Credit: GPE Kelley Lynch

What makes a good teacher? (Hint: commitment and training)

We all instinctively recognize a good teacher when we meet one—someone who brings the subject matter to life, makes it relevant, supports critical engagement, and so much more. Many of us can name at least one teacher…
Convening for Peace: Lessons from Evaluating the World Bank Group

Convening for Peace: Lessons from Evaluating the World Bank Group

More and more, the World Bank Group is contributing to international collective action to realize Sustainable Development Goal 16 for just and peaceful societies. A recent evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s global…
When Conflict and COVID Collide: Towards a Risk Analysis Framework

When Conflict and COVID Collide: Towards a Risk Analysis Framework

As COVID reaches the world’s most fragile states, understanding how it is impacting conflict dynamics is critical. How do we best monitor these effects?

Djibouti – Completion and Learning Review for the Country Partnership Strategy : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Pakistan’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), FY15-FY19, as updated in the…

Nicaragua - Fourth Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project and Rural Roads Infrastructure Improvement Project

Ratings for the Fourth Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was moderate, Bank performance was…
Investing in evaluation capacity development in India- why it matters now more than ever

Investing in evaluation capacity development in India: Why it matters now more than ever

Governments around the world face the daunting task of addressing a downward spiral of economic activity coupled with a growing health burden from the spread of the coronavirus disease. India is no exception, and the…