
Displaying 1491 - 1500 of 5577

Lessons from Evaluations of World Bank Support to Human Development: Responding to the Challenges of the Global Economic Crisis and Beyond

This issue of the knowledge note series highlights major studies recently completed by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). The latest food and economic crises showed that international organizations, including the…

Lessons from Evaluation of World Bank Support to Human Development

This Lesson note highlights findings from recent IEG reports on social safety nets, education and health programs.

Evaluative Lessons from World Bank Food Crisis Response and Natural Resource Management Projects and Related AAA

With over 1 billion people around the world going hungry every day, agriculture and sustainable resource management are more critical than ever. IEG has recently turned its attention to assessing the response to the…

Lessons from Evaluation: Private Sector Development in a Changing World

This Lesson Note highlights findings from recent IEG private sector studies on the economic crisis, private sector development, agriculture and agribusiness and climate change.

Human Development: Lessons from Evaluation

This Lesson Note provides a summary of findings from recent IEG studies on education, health and poverty reduction.

Lessons from World Bank Support to Infrastructure

This Lesson Note summarizes findings from recent IEG studies on infrastructure.

Capturing Technology for Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Activities in Information and Communication Technologies

Information and communication technologies (ICT) can be leveraged for development, but harnessing this potential depends on an enabling environment for their production, diffusion, and use. Otherwise, technology can…
poverty topic


  The World Bank Group’s first goal, to end extreme poverty within a generation, has the specific target of decreasing the global extreme poverty rate to no more than 3 percent by 2030, since a small amount of…
transport and information communication technologies topic


  Transportation plays a pivotal role in the fight against poverty. Services provided by sustained investments in roads, railways, transit systems, along with ports for trade by air and water can support…

The Gambia - Joint assistance strategy completion report (JASCR) review for the period FY2008-12 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the Fiscal Years (FY) 2008-2011 Joint Assistance Strategy (JAS) of The Gambia and the JAS Progress Report (JASPR) of FY 2009, and assesses the JAS Completion Report (JASCR).…