
Displaying 1351 - 1360 of 5577

Jamaica - Fiscal and Debt Sustainability Development Policy Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) is part of a set of project performance assessments exploring g development outcomes in different country contexts that are faced with particular challenges during the…
gender equality, focus on gender

Keeping the Focus on Gender Equality

Ahead of International Women’s Day, I argue that in order to realize the Bank’s twin goals we need to internalize gender equality into our solutions and our evaluations.

Mozambique - Enterprise Development Project

The project's development objective was to broaden the base of private participation in Mozambican economic growth, through (i) increasing the competitiveness of Mozambican private firms; (ii) enhancing access to term…

Djibouti - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2009-13 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY2009-FY2012 Djibouti Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) of FY2009, and assesses the CAS Completion Report (CASCR). The CAS was implemented by IDA. The CAS program was…

Indonesia - Land Management and Policy Development Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the Indonesia Land Management and Policy Development Project implemented during fiscal years 2004-2009. The project's development objectives consisted of (a)…

Connecting Evaluation and Budgeting

Evaluation is an essentialtoolfor good budgeting and a core element of any well‐designed government‐wide performance budgeting system. Evaluation has a crucialrole to play in providing the performance information…

IEG as a Learning Organization

How do you ensure that lessons learned from evaluations are reaching those who could most benefit? An initiative begun by IEG staff in 2013 is already showing results.

Agriculture and Environmental Services: Lessons from Recent Evaluations

This Lesson Note summarizes lessons from IEG evaluations on the WBG's Agricultural and Environmental initiatives.

Lessons from Recent Evaluations: Water, Urban, Transport and Energy

This Lesson note summarizes lessons from IEG evaluations on the WBG's water, urban, transport and energy initiatives.

Mozambique - Decentralized Planning and Finance Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the Mozambique Decentralized Planning and Financing Project (2004 to 2009). Its objective was to improve the institutional performance of Mozambique's District…