
Displaying 4351 - 4360 of 5577

Bangladesh - Oxbow Lakes Fishery Project

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Ecuador - First and Second Small Scale Enterprise Credit Projects

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

India - Calcutta Urban Transport Project

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Brazil - Agricultural Credit and Export Development Project

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Brazil - Rural Development Projects

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Indonesia - Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Power Projects

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Indonesia - Polytechnic Project

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Morocco - Agricultural Sector Adjustment Loan Project

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Mali - Urban Development Project

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Liberia - Monrovia Urban Development Project

The Monrovia Urban Development Project in Liberia was implemented. The project as a whole cannot be considered a success because the physical achievements of this project failed to…