
Displaying 1181 - 1190 of 5577

How Does Knowledge on Public Expenditures Integrate with the Design of Development Policy Operations?

Integration of knowledge with lending is an enduring theme in World Bank strategies at the corporate and country levels. The Bank lending instruments could be more relevant and produce better results if they…

Maximizing Development Impact in IDA (Concept Note)

Numerous IEG evaluations address issues that are relevant to IDA's development impact. With the aim of helping inform the discussions for the IDA18 replenishment, the planned learnig product will use a desk exercise to…
From Development Evaluation to Development Effectiveness

From Development Evaluation to Development Effectiveness

Does evaluation support African success in a new global context?

The Poverty Focus of Country Programs

This evaluation examines how, and how well, the Bank Group has focused its support on poverty reduction over in the past decade, and what lessons to draw from this moving forward. The lessons aim to strengthen the Bank'…
Getting to Poverty

Getting to Poverty

How Systematic is the World Bank's Approach?

The Poverty Focus of Country Programs: Lessons from World Bank Experience

The World Bank Group in 2013 made the elimination of extreme poverty by 2030 a central institutional focus and purpose. This evaluation examines how, and how well, the Bank Group has focused its support on poverty…

Program for Results (PforR)--IEG Process Evaluation (Approach Paper)

In 2012 the World Bank Group introduced a new instrument -€“ Program for Results (PforR). World Bank management has provided a review of the first two years of operation.That review assessed the early experience with…

Costa Rica - Completion and learning review for the period FY2012-15 : IEG review

Costa Rica is a well-performing, environmentally friendly, upper-middle-income country that stands out among its Latin American peers for low poverty levels, shared prosperity, and steady development over the past two…

Evaluation of the World Bank Group's Support for Capital Market Development (Approach Paper)

In this evaluation, the Independent Evaluation Group will assess the World Bank Group'€™s support for capital market development, against the backdrop of overall financial system development, and support for poverty…

Clustered Country Program Evaluation for Small States (Approach Paper)

This evaluation relates closely to the Independent Evaluation Group's two objectives. First, it will seek to deepen evidence about the results of World Bank Group programs and activities—including financing operations…