
Displaying 4101 - 4110 of 5577

Korea - Agricultural Wholesale Marketing Project

The Industrial Assistance Project in Madagascar was implemented. The overall adjustment effort implemented by the Malagasy Government has been impressive, and it is generally…

Trade Policy Reforms under Adjustment Programs

Through country case studies, this work examines the links among macroeconomic, industrial, and financial policies and reforms, and determines whether the Bank considered these links in advising on the design of trade…

Steel Production: Policy and Management Issues


DFCs in Three Latin American Countries


Supervising and Monitoring Structural Adjustment Loans


Mexico - Second Fertilizer (Lazaro Cardenas) Project

The Industrial Assistance Project in Madagascar was implemented. The overall adjustment effort implemented by the Malagasy Government has been impressive, and it is generally…

Argentina - First and Second Railway Project

The Industrial Assistance Project in Madagascar was implemented. The overall adjustment effort implemented by the Malagasy Government has been impressive, and it is generally…

Argentina - Third and Fourth Highway Project

The Industrial Assistance Project in Madagascar was implemented. The overall adjustment effort implemented by the Malagasy Government has been impressive, and it is generally…

Bangladesh - Fourth Education (Primary) Project

The Industrial Assistance Project in Madagascar was implemented. The overall adjustment effort implemented by the Malagasy Government has been impressive, and it is generally…

Ecuador - Guayaquil Urban Development and National Low Income Housing Projects

The Industrial Assistance Project in Madagascar was implemented. The overall adjustment effort implemented by the Malagasy Government has been impressive, and it is generally…