
Displaying 1471 - 1480 of 5577

Implementation of the 1991 Forest Strategy in IFC's Projects- June 2000 Volumne 1 and 2

In 1991, the Bank issued a forest paper2 (1991 forest paper) that set out its strategy for intervention in the forest sector and other sectors affecting forests. The forest paper focused special attention on the…
monitoring and evlauation systems of IFC and MIGA, ieg report, biennal report on operations evaluation, broe 2013

Assessing the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems of IFC and MIGA

This Biennial Report on Operations Evaluation is an evaluation of the monitoring and evaluation systems of IFC and MIGA. It takes stock of the strengths and weaknesses of the development results frameworks in place for…

Assessing the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems of IFC and MIGA: Biennial Report on Operations Evaluation 2013

This Biennial Report on Operations Evaluation is an evaluation of the monitoring and evaluation systems of IFC and MIGA. It takes stock of the strengths and weaknesses of the development results frameworks in place for…

Assessing the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems of IFC and MIGA: 2013 Biennial Report on Operations Evaluation (Overview)

This Biennial Report on Operations Evaluation is an evaluation of the monitoring and evaluation systems of IFC and MIGA. It takes stock of the strengths and weaknesses of the development results frameworks in place for…

Gestion des ressources forestières pour le développement durable: Evaluation de l'expérience du Groupe de la Banque mondiale

[English] Il y a dix ans, la Banque mondiale a modifié son approche dans le secteur forestier en mettant la réduction de la pauvreté et le développement économique au centre des ses priorités au même titre que…

Gestión de los recursos forestales en favor del desarrollo sostenible (Visión de conjunto)

Cerca de 4000 millones de hectáreas (un 31% de la superficie de la Tierra) están cubiertas de bosques. La gestión sostenible de estas tierras forestales es esencial para el Grupo del Banco Mundial por tres…

Gestão dos Recursos Florestais para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Visão global)

Cerca de 4 bilhões de hectares, ou aproximadamente 31% das terras do mundo, são cobertas por florestas. A gestão sustentável desse acervo florestal é crucial para o Grupo do Banco Mundial por três motivos. Primeiro, as…

Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP) 2012

The Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP) is IEG’s annual flagship report, which synthesizes evidence and findings of recent evaluations about the effectiveness of World Bank Group work in addressing…

Congo, Democratic Republic of - Country partnership strategy (CAS) completion report review for the period FY08-FY12 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the Fiscal Years (FY) 2008-2011 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the FY 2010 CAS Progress Report (CASPR), and the FY 2013 CAS…

Afghanistan: A Synthesis Paper of Lessons from Ten Years of Aid

Afghanistan has received a large amount of aid from the international community since the fall of the Taliban and the installation of the Karzai government in 2002. Donors pledged an estimated $90 billion of total…