
Displaying 4241 - 4250 of 5577

Morocco, Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus - Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Projects

The Export Development Project for Pakistan was rated satisfactory. The project achieved its objectives, its impact has been significant on industry and trade, and both the Bank and…

Bangladesh - Drainage and Flood Control Project

The Export Development Project for Pakistan was rated satisfactory. The project achieved its objectives, its impact has been significant on industry and trade, and both the Bank and…

Madagascar - Antananarivo Water and Sanitation Project

The Antananarivo Water and Sanitation Project in Madagascar was implemented. The Bank played a positive role in the preparation of the project. The main and remaining tangible result…

Tanzania - Morogoro Industrial Complex Project

The Antananarivo Water and Sanitation Project in Madagascar was implemented. The Bank played a positive role in the preparation of the project. The main and remaining tangible result…

Kenya - Bura Irrigation Settlement Project

The Antananarivo Water and Sanitation Project in Madagascar was implemented. The Bank played a positive role in the preparation of the project. The main and remaining tangible result…

Brazil - Carajas Iron Ore Project

The Antananarivo Water and Sanitation Project in Madagascar was implemented. The Bank played a positive role in the preparation of the project. The main and remaining tangible result…

Swaziland - Third Power Project

The Antananarivo Water and Sanitation Project in Madagascar was implemented. The Bank played a positive role in the preparation of the project. The main and remaining tangible result…

Congo - Second Railway Project

The Antananarivo Water and Sanitation Project in Madagascar was implemented. The Bank played a positive role in the preparation of the project. The main and remaining tangible result…

Ivory Coast - Second and Third Structural Adjustment Loan Projects

The Second and Third Structural Adjustment Loan Projects for the Ivory Coast were satisfactory. The projects achieved some of their objectives, institutional development was modest…

Nigeria - Power Projects

The Second and Third Structural Adjustment Loan Projects for the Ivory Coast were satisfactory. The projects achieved some of their objectives, institutional development was modest…