
Displaying 4281 - 4290 of 5577

Togo - Second Structural Adjustment Program Project

The Technical Assistance Project for the Ivory Coast was marginally successful. The project achieved some of its objectives, institutional development was negligible, sustainability…

Botswana - Urban Development Projects

The Urban Development Project in Botswana was successful. The experience in Botswana provides a lesson in the successful application of the sites and services and slum upgrading…

Philippines - Fishery Training Project

The Urban Development Project in Botswana was successful. The experience in Botswana provides a lesson in the successful application of the sites and services and slum upgrading…

Guinea - Structural Adjustment Program Project

The Structural Adjustment Program Project for Guinea was rated successful. The project achieved many of its objectives, institutional development was modest, sustainability is likely…

Philippines - Industrial Investment Projects

The Structural Adjustment Program Project for Guinea was rated successful. The project achieved many of its objectives, institutional development was modest, sustainability is likely…

Algeria - Algiers Sewerage Project

Ratings for the Algiers Sewerage Project for Algeria were as follows: Bank performance was acceptable, and Borrower performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: the…

Morocco - Pilot Project For Small-scale Mining Project

Ratings for the Algiers Sewerage Project for Algeria were as follows: Bank performance was acceptable, and Borrower performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: the…

Uganda - Technical Assistance and Second and Third Reconstruction Program Credit Projects

Ratings for the Algiers Sewerage Project for Algeria were as follows: Bank performance was acceptable, and Borrower performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: the…

Tunisia - Second Natural Gas Pipeline Project

Ratings for the Algiers Sewerage Project for Algeria were as follows: Bank performance was acceptable, and Borrower performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: the…

Pakistan - Energy Sector Loan Project

The Energy Sector Loan Project for Pakistan was rated satisfactory. The project met most of its conditions, sustainability is likely, and both the Bank and Borrower performed…