
Displaying 1511 - 1520 of 5577

Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support for Public-Private Partnerships (Approach Paper)

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have seen a rise in developing countries over the last two decades. More than 134 developing countries apply PPPs, contributing about 15-20 percent of total infrastructure investment…

Timor-Leste - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review for the period FY06-FY11 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the Fiscal Years (FY) 2006-2008 Timor-Leste Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the FY 2010 Timor-Leste Interim Strategy Note (ISN), and assesses the CAS Completion Report (…
trade topic


The WBG is supportive of an open, rules-based, predictable multilateral trading system, and among its objectives are to help countries participate in and enjoy the benefits of such a system. Key strategies for reaching…
global economic crisis, ieg evaluation

World Bank Group Response to the Global Economic Crisis - Phase 2

This report details the extent and nature of WBG’s response to the 2008-2009 financial crisis, as well as the limitations and partial outcomes of this involvement. It also describes the WBG’s lending vehicles and their…
the matrix system at work, ieg evaluation

The Matrix System at Work

The objectives of the matrix system were to enhance client responsiveness through its country delivery model, and the technical quality of its operations and knowledge services through strong technical networks and an…

Why, What, and How of World Bank Group Strategy: What Evaluations Tell Us about the Promise and Potential Pitfalls of Reform

In the fall of 2012, President Jim Kim launched a series of consultations as well as a wide ranging diagnostic of the why, what, and how of World Bank strategy and reform. Over the past five years, IEG evaluations…

Managing Forest Resources for Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Experience

A decade ago, the World Bank Group shifted its approach in the forest sector by putting poverty alleviation and sustainable economic development on equal footing with conservation. It was a bold move given the risks and…

Risk Management at the World Bank Group: What IEG Evaluation Tell Us

In recent years, the World Bank Group has come to recognize risk management as a central tenet of its own business strategy as well as an emerging development priority for lower- and middle-income countries. This brief…

Restoring Confidence and Transforming Institutions: An IEG Evaluation of World Bank Group Assistance to Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (Approach Paper)

Fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS) have become an important focus of World Bank Group assistance in recent years as recognition of the linkages between fragility, conflict, violence, and poverty has grown.…
Environment Topic

Environment and Natural Resources

  Environmental concerns such as pollution, erosion and deforestation affect everyone, but the poorest countries have the most to lose. They are impacted the most by environmental destruction, and have the…