
Displaying 5331 - 5340 of 5577

Nigeria - Western State Cocoa Project

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…

Peru - San Lorenzo Irrigation and Land Settlement (Stage Three) Project

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…

Brazil - Hydroelectric Projects

The Carajas Project, approved in August 1982 and involving a loan of US$304.5 million, was the second Bank-supported operation for iron ore mining activities in Brazil. It also followed two operations for aluminum…

Trinidad and Tobago - First and Second Development Finance Company Projects

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…

Congo - Railway Project

The Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast can be considered to have achieved the somewhat narrow goals set at appraisal. Considering the fact that cocoa projects have a long gestation…

Nepal - Telecommunications Project

The Telecommunications Project in Nepal was implemented largely as planned but with a cost overrun of about 26 percent and a time delay of 2 to 3 1/2 years. This outcome was due to…

Colombia - Atlantico - Number Three - Irrigation Project

The Telecommunications Project in Nepal was implemented largely as planned but with a cost overrun of about 26 percent and a time delay of 2 to 3 1/2 years. This outcome was due to…

Guyana - Education Project

The Telecommunications Project in Nepal was implemented largely as planned but with a cost overrun of about 26 percent and a time delay of 2 to 3 1/2 years. This outcome was due to…

Ceylon - Second Development Finance Corporation Project

The Second Development Finance Corporation (DFCC) Project in Ceylon met the basic institutional objective of the loan to help DFCC expand its operations on an economically and…

Kenya - Program Loan Project

The Second Development Finance Corporation (DFCC) Project in Ceylon met the basic institutional objective of the loan to help DFCC expand its operations on an economically and…