
Displaying 4311 - 4320 of 5577

Kenya - Wildlife and Tourism Project

The Grain Storage Project for Nepal was unsatisfactory. There are several reasons for this outcome. First, the storage capacity target was not reached. Only 27,000 metric tons were…

Thailand - Provincial Roads Project

The Grain Storage Project for Nepal was unsatisfactory. There are several reasons for this outcome. First, the storage capacity target was not reached. Only 27,000 metric tons were…

Pakistan - Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project

The Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project for Pakistan was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve its main objectives, its impact has been modest, sustainability is…

The Aga Khan Rural Support Program : Second Interim Evaluation

The program's primary purpose is to involve rural people in their own development and to provide a model of rural development that is applicable in other settings. This evaluation finds that the program continues to…

Brazil - Export Development Project

The Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project for Pakistan was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve its main objectives, its impact has been modest, sustainability is…

Kenya - Smallholder Coffee Improvement Project

The Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project for Pakistan was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve its main objectives, its impact has been modest, sustainability is…

Brazil - Medium-Sized Cities Project

The Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project for Pakistan was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve its main objectives, its impact has been modest, sustainability is…

Korea - Water Supply Project

The Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project for Pakistan was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve its main objectives, its impact has been modest, sustainability is…

1988 Annual Review of Evaluation Results


Morocco - Ninth Banque Nationale Pour Le Developpement Economique (BNDE) Project

The Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project for Pakistan was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve its main objectives, its impact has been modest, sustainability is…