
Displaying 1341 - 1350 of 5577

Nigeria - Country partnership strategy progress report for FY2010-FY2013 : IEG CPSCR review

The review examines the implementation of the FY2010-FY2013 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) of FY2010 and the CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) of FY2012. The strategy was jointly designed and implemented by IDA, the…

Wanted: A Simple Measure of Success in a Complex World

Speaking at the World Bank, Ben Ramalingam, author of Aid on the Edge of Chaos set out a challenge to those working in the humanitarian and development fields: Move away from a narrow focus on what we think is important…

World Bank Support to Early Childhood Development

This evaluation will examine World Bank support to client countries by analyzing ECD-related operations and knowledge services covering the period since fiscal year 2000. Since private sector engagement in ECD is…

The Big Business of Small Enterprise

The World Bank Group commits an average of $3 billion a year to directly supporting small and medium-size enterprises. There are many successes, but as a recent IEG evaluation reported, more could be done to measure…

The Big Business of Small Enterprises: Evaluation of the World Bank Group Experience with Targeted Support to Small and Medium-Size Enterprise, 2006-12

The World Bank Group promotes small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) growth through both systemic and targeted interventions. A critical challenge is to root the many activities now undertaken in this broad space in a…
The Big Business of Small Enterprises

The Big Business of Small Enterprises

An in-depth assessment of the World Bank Group’s targeted support for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs).

What is the Value of Independent Evaluation?

Organizations like drivers can suffer from blind spots. Independent evaluation can help provide a broader view.

Targeted Support to Small and Medium-Size Businesses (2006-2012) (French)

Le Groupe de la Banque Mondiale s'emploie à promouvoir la croissance des petites et moyennes entreprises par des interventions à la fois systémiques et ciblées. L'un des défis majeurs consiste à établir, à…

The Big Business of Small Enterprises - Evaluation of the World Bank Group Experience with Targeted Support to Small and Medium-Size Businesses (2006-2012)

The World Bank Group promotes small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) growth through both systemic and targeted interventions. A critical challenge is to root the many activities now undertaken in this broad space in a…

When Rating Performance, Start with Yourself

Faced with growing demands for evidence-based decision making and measurable results, do we need to look for new ways to evaluate the evaluators?