
Displaying 91 - 100 of 157

Pakistan - Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project

The Second Toot Oil and Gas Development Project for Pakistan was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve its main objectives, its impact has been modest, sustainability is…

The Aga Khan Rural Support Program : Second Interim Evaluation

The program's primary purpose is to involve rural people in their own development and to provide a model of rural development that is applicable in other settings. This evaluation finds that the program continues to…

Thailand - Third and Fourth Telecommunications Projects

The Forestry Project for the Ivory Coast was satisfactory. The project achieved many of its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…

Thailand - National Rural Development Project


Thailand - Irrigation Projects


Pakistan - Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project

The Third Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Bank Group might have been somewhat optimistic when it assumed that WAPDA had…

Thailand - Bangkok and Sattahip Ports Project

The Monrovia Urban Development Project in Liberia was implemented. The project as a whole cannot be considered a success because the physical achievements of this project failed to…

Pakistan - Third Highway Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

Thailand - Agricultural Credit Project

Este es un Informe de evaluación de los Proyectos de Desarrollo Rural de Ingavi, Omasuyos-Los Andes y Ulla Ulla en Bolivia. Los tres proyectos de que se ocupa este informe de…

Thailand - Population Project

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…