
Displaying 141 - 150 of 157

Pakistan - Program Credit Project

The Program Credit Project in Pakistan was achieved. The Program Credit has been only partially successful in achieving its objectives. The Program Credit has been only partially…

Thailand - South Bangkok Thermal Power (Unit Four) Project

This report presents the results of an audit of the Fishing Harbors Rehabilitation Project for Iceland and is based in part on a Project Completion Report (PCR). The audit agrees in…

Thailand - Fourth Highway Project

The Highway Project for the Ivory Coast was rated successful. The project achieved its main objectives, sustainability is likely, and the performance of both the Bank and Borrower was…

Pakistan - First and Second Telecommunications Projects

The First and Second Telecommunications Projects in Pakistan contributed to the substantial expansion of the country's telecommunication services. One problem that arose in the…

Pakistan - First and Second Industrial Imports Program

The First and Second Industrial Imports Program in Pakistan achieved its objective of supporting Pakistan's balance of payments and contributing to the revival of industrial activity…

Pakistan - Second Karachi Port Project

The Second Karachi Port Project in Pakistan achieved its objective. The project took much longer to complete than expected. Despite the delays, the cost overrun was only 27 percent.…

Pakistan - Fertilizer Project

The Fertilizer Project in Pakistan is a major technological and economic success. It was completed on schedule and with only minor cost overruns. Start-up of the plant was smooth,…

Thailand - First Egat Power Project

The Highway Project in Madagascar was achieved. The first International Development Association (IDA) credit to Madagascar was implemented successfully with only minor delays. The…

West Pakistan - Third Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project

The Third Sui Northern Gas Pipelines (SNGPL) Project in West Pakistan was successfully completed. The Bank played an important role in the successful completion of the project.…

West Pakistan - Highway Projects

The Highway Projects in West Pakistan was successfully implemented with relatively minor difficulties and the investments have turned out to have had higher returns than expected. The…