
Displaying 131 - 140 of 157

West Pakistan - Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project

The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Power Project in West Pakistan was implemented. During preparation of the project, good rapport was established between WAPDA and the…

Pakistan - Flood Damage Restoration Project

The Flood Damage Restoration Project in Pakistan was successful. International Development Association (IDA) probably could not have done more than it did to get required foreign…

Pakistan - Third Telecommunications Project

The Third Telecommunications Project in Pakistan was successful. The Bank's performance has been generally good. It has given valuable technical advice and assistance. It has also…

Thailand - Phasom Dam Project

Rating for the First Highway Project for Algeria was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: the project had a generally beneficial impact on the highway sector, has enabled the…

Thailand - Fourth Railway Project

The Thaba Bostiu Rural Development Project in Lesotho was not successful. The Bank performance at appraisal and during supervision can be criticized. In making these criticisms it…

Pakistan - Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDB) Project

The Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP) Project in Pakistan was implemented. This project was severely affected by the dramatic changes that Pakistan underwent in the early…

Pakistan - Flood Rehabilitation Program Project

The Flood Rehabilitation Program Project in Pakistan was a significant success in most respects and the deficiencies are minor in the sense that they did not prevent the achievement…

Thailand - Third Bangkok Port Project

The Flood Rehabilitation Program Project in Pakistan was a significant success in most respects and the deficiencies are minor in the sense that they did not prevent the achievement…

Pakistan - Third Agricultural Development Bank Project

The Third Agricultural Development Bank Project (ADBP)in Pakistan's was not met. ADBP's financial and administrative position deteriorated during project implementation. Bank…

Pakistan - Eighth Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation (PICIC) Project

The Eighth Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation (PICIC) Project in Pakistan met the objective of assisting PICIC's support of the private sector, including the provision of…