
Displaying 121 - 130 of 157

West Pakistan - Education Project

Overall, the First Education Project in Pakistan had mixed operating outcomes, but the majority of the investment has been successful. The physical objectives of the project were…

Thailand - Third Education Project

Overall, the First Education Project in Pakistan had mixed operating outcomes, but the majority of the investment has been successful. The physical objectives of the project were…

West Pakistan - Engineering Education Project

The Engineering Education Project in West Pakistan can be regarded as one of the less satisfactory involvements of the Bank Group in the field of education. The project comprised…

Thailand - Second Education Project

The Engineering Education Project in West Pakistan can be regarded as one of the less satisfactory involvements of the Bank Group in the field of education. The project comprised…

Thailand - First and Second Telecommunications Projects

The Birganj Irrigation Project in Nepal succeeded in meeting its objective. The ultimate success of the project depends very much on the ability of the Government of Nepal to…

Thailand - Northeast Thailand Irrigation Improvement Project

The Birganj Irrigation Project in Nepal succeeded in meeting its objective. The ultimate success of the project depends very much on the ability of the Government of Nepal to…

Thailand - Ban Chao Nen Hydroelectric Project

Agriculture produces about 25 percent of the country's gross Domestic Product (GDP) but employs more than half of the work force. One of the problems affecting the agricultural sector…

Pakistan - Ninth Railway Project

The Ninth Railway Project in Pakistan has made some of the expected contribution to Pakistan's economy by limiting increases in transport costs. The results, however, appear to be…

Thailand - Bangkok Water Supply Project

The Mahaweli Ganga Development Project in Ceylon was economically and socially successful. Certain problems associated with project development remain, such as cost recovery,…

Pakistan - Multan Fertilizer Project

The Physical Components of Third and Fourth Karachi Port Development Project in Pakistan were successfully completed. In the view of the Audit the Bank should have taken a less…