
Displaying 101 - 110 of 157

Pakistan - Sind and Punjab Agricultural Extension and Development Projects

The Sind and Punjab Agricultural Extension and Development Projects in Pakistan was successful. Overall, the project has been moderately successful in meeting its broad goals in spite…

Thailand - Fifth (Multipurpose) Education Project

The Sind and Punjab Agricultural Extension and Development Projects in Pakistan was successful. Overall, the project has been moderately successful in meeting its broad goals in spite…

Thailand - Liquified Petroleum Gas Project

The project was expected to rehabilitate irrigation and drainage facilities within six valleys in the coastal area by: (i) reclaiming about 19,000 ha of salt-affected and waterlogged…

Thailand - Bangkok Traffic Management Project

This Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) represents a performance audit of two Philippines projects: the Manila Urban Development Project; and the Second Urban Development Project…

Pakistan - Seed Project

The Seed Project in Pakistan was achieved. Delays and problems occurred during implementation of the severely limited success of the project. The project ended in a state of confusion…

Pakistan - Hill Farming Technical Development Project

The Hill Farming Technical Development Project in Pakistan was accomplished. Despite the slow startup, the project eventually achieved most of its goals. The Bank played an important…

Pakistan - Third and Fourth Karachi Port Development Projects

The Physical Components of Third and Fourth Karachi Port Development Project in Pakistan were successfully completed. In the view of the Audit the Bank should have taken a less…

Pakistan - Tarbela Dam Projects

The Tarbela Dam Projects in Pakistan was achieved. Although there were difficult times and serious problems, the overall picture and the result are clearly a great success. Through…

Pakistan - Structural Adjustment Program Project

The Structural Adjustment Program Project for Pakistan was satisfactory. The project achieved some of its objectives, its impact has been significant, sustainability is likely, and…

Thailand - National Agricultural Extension Project
